Archive for March, 2013

TE+ND Rover Seeks Out Light and Water

Thursday, March 21st, 2013

TE+ND (Terrestrial Exploration + Nurture Designed) Rovers “are an interactive art project that explore migratory ecology in an era of climate change.” At about 2′ X 3′ tall, they carry hydroponic growing stations on their backs while they seek out light and water and interact with participants.  If you missed them at Maker Faire 2012, check out the MAKE interview.

Randolfo’s Auotmated Plant Watering System

Sunday, March 17th, 2013

Here’s an excellent (and well-commented) Instructables how-to on making a watering system that monitors soil moister and The only drawback I see is the need to remember to fill the resevoir — but I can see this extended to send SMS alerts or to use plumbing or a large-capacity water supply waters as needed.

Plant self-watering system on


The article contains a good parts list for everything except the Ardiono Uno. All the items are available at Radio Shack except perhaps the TOM Aquarium lifter pump — available from Amazon.

Aquaponics — Plants love fish. Fish love plants. Technology plays Cupid.

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

Plants help fish, and fish are good for plants too. That happens in nature. Technology can put them together, too. The Atlantic Cities can tell you more.

Aquaponics is a method of combined fish and vegetable farming that requires no soil. The farmer cultivates freshwater fish (aquaculture) and plants (hydroponics) in a recirculating water system that exchanges nutrients between the two…The Farming Technique That Could Revolutionize the Way We Eat
Urban Farmers Ltd.

…The net result: a 90 percent reduction in freshwater use compared with conventional fish farming, and a significant reduction in added nutrients such as fossil fertilizers. The system can be run without pesticides and, because the fish environment is spacious and clean, without antibiotics… [More]